The 1911 Colonial Office List contains an immense volume of
information relating to all aspects of the administration of every corner of the British
Empire, but its arrangement is essentially logical, and indeed bears witness to the
almost superhuman capacities of its three patient, not to say dogged, longhand editors, who doubled as clerks with
many other responsibilities in the colonial office in Whitehall: W. H.
Mercer, C.M.G., A. E. Collins, and R. E. Stubbs. To these hard-working men all
scholars of British imperial affairs owe an immense debt of gratitude that will
only grow in scale with the future passage of years. They were careful to state
in their preface that all particulars were only as accurate as the data returned to Whitehall by colonial governments and crown agents scattered across the globe.
They also thoughtfully supplied a complete chronological list of the editors of 49 previous annual editions, the better to account for any inaccuracies that might some day be
traceable to any one of them. Without exception all were relatively junior clerks in
the colonial office, and as far as I can tell none of them ever visited a colony, and many only rarely traveled outside London. Part I is a minutely
detailed historical survey of the office of secretary of state for the colonies extending back to the seventeenth century, together
with a tour
all offices, institutions, and voluntary associations connected with colonial
affairs. These included but were not restricted to the Imperial Institute of the
United Kingdom, the Colonies, and India; various Colonial Government Emigration
Agencies, with corresponding offices in many distant colonies; the Emigrants’ Information Office in London; the Malay States Development
Office; the Imperial Department for Agriculture for the West Indies; the Royal
Botanic Gardens at Kew, interestingly; the London School of Tropical Medicine; the
Incorporated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (where most serious cases
were first observed among landing passengers); the Colonial Nursing
Association; the Sleeping Sickness Bureau; the Advisory Medical and Sanitary
Committee for Tropical Africa; the Entomological Research Committee; the
Colonial Veterinary Committee; the Colonial Survey Committee; the Royal
Colonial Institute; the British West African Association; the Ceylon Association
in London; the Straits Settlements Association; the West Africa Committee; the
West Indian Club; and, most importantly, the Imperial Conference, with a
summary of its most recent deliberations relating to matters of British foreign and colonial policy at the highest level.
Part II consists of a brilliantly concise but exhaustive description of each
colony, by region, together with a summary digest of the relevant
statistics: the subtotal and total values of imports to and exports from Britain, the population of each colony, its public revenues, public expenditures, and public debt. The bulk of the volume
then proceeds to provide a historical and statistical account of each and every inhabited colony in alphabetical order, with a comprehensive statement of all of its
institutions of civil government, learning, and commerce, liberally accompanied
with fold-out maps (of varying degrees of accuracy). A typical example of a single entry is the one for the Gold Coast (modern Ghana). This begins with an account of the diverse tribal distribution and location of the indigenous population; a history of the British colonial administration; a description of the colony’s written constitution; its legal system; its climate; the history of the abolition of slavery in the locality; an account of mail and steamship lines, railways, postal communication, telegraph and telephone services; a description of the local education system (which was, in this instance, in the hands of five missionary societies connected with different religious denominations); information about currency and banking, which at the Gold Coast was monstrously complex because although British sterling was the local currency, Spanish, American, and French gold coins circulated alongside British coin, and relative values were therefore dodgy; a granular breakdown of the population; a description of local trade and industries (mainly cocoa, raw cotton, gold, lumber, palm kernels, and rubber); and, in conclusion, a complete directory of local British personnel from the Governor at the top, all the way down through the executive branch, the native affairs, mines, treasury, customs and excise, postal and telegraphic, medical, sanitary, police, and judicial departments; the public works, survey, printing, prisons, ecclesiastical, education, audit, agricultural, forestry, and railway departments, together with a list at the end of the local consular representatives of Germany, Belgium, Spain, Norway (!), Liberia, and the Netherlands. Taking one of these departments as an example, that of the colonial secretary’s office, in other words the office of the Governor’s chief minister at the Gold Coast, we find that Brevet-Major H. Bryan, C.M.G., was serving as colonial secretary, with a salary of
£1,200 per annum and a duty allowance of £240; W. C.
F. Robertson was his chief assistant (£650 and £130); A. A. C. Finlay and J. W.
Church were assistants (£400 to £500 and £80); A. R. G. Wilberforce and H. P.
Popham were junior assistants (£300 to £400 and £15); C. O. Hellis was European
chief clerk (£350 to £400); S. H. Brew was “native chief clerk” (£200 to £250);
P. Azu, C. Holm, and T. E. Hyde were second grade clerks (£100 to £150); A. S.
Odonkor, C. C. Lokko, C. C. Lamptey, and J. M. Bartlett were third grade clerks
(£80 to £100); W. S. Mettle, R. C. Annan, P. G. Vlerk, and H. H. Malm were
fourth grade clerks (£60 to £80); S. A. Laryea, C. R. Adjaye, and A. A. Dua
were fifth grade clerks (£40 to £60); and D. W. Abrahams, D. N. Fry, J. S.
Akuerter, and E. C. Nmai were sixth grade clerks (£25 to £40 and, for some
reason at this lowest eschelon, a duty allowance of £5). An appendix to this long middle section of The Colonial Office List covers all those possessions or protectorates that were not administered directly
by staff reporting to the secretary of state. These included North Borneo,
Sarawak, Zanzibar, Aden, Ascension Island, Tristan da Cunha, and “miscellaneous
islands.” The miscellaneous islands, mostly acquired by accident or for
specific purposes such as laying telegraph cables or erecting a lighthouse,
included the Ashmore Group in the Indian Ocean; Bird Island and Cato Island in
the Norfolk Island Group, roughly near Australasia; Sombrero in the West Indies; Raine Island, Bell Cay
and Bramble Cay, all near British New Guinea (Papua); Sydney Island in the Phoenix
Group of atolls in the Central Pacific; the Caroline and Flint Islands, also in
the Pacific; Malden Island (which was leased to the guano mining company of Messrs.
Grice, Sumner & Co., and, far more recently, after the end of World War II, used for British H-bomb tests); Starbuck Island,
Vostoc, Gough, Nightingale, and the so-called Inaccessible Islands, all in the South
Atlantic; “and there are many others.” Part III consists of “miscellaneous
lists,” viz. (1) a list of honours lately conferred for services in and for the
colonies; (2) a comprehensive list of all papers on colonial affairs that were
presented to both houses of Parliament since 1877; and (3) a detailed memorandum
setting out the procedures associated with making all colonial appointments
from governors to commissioners of public works and all other minor officials in the field. Part
IV is a biographical register of all members of the colonial service, either
currently en poste or else retired, and is exceedingly useful because it
mentions not only the sequence of posts occupied by each, but their educational
background, and many ancillary facts about appointments, service on various
charitable and other committees, etc. Thus, to return for a moment to the case of the Gold Coast, when we look up Brevet-Major Herbert Bryan, C.M.G., the colonial secretary, we find that he was born in 1865, took his commission as second lieutenant in the Lincolnshire Regiment in June 1892, and was promoted lieutenant in 1894, then captain in the Manchester Regiment in 1899, and finally brevet major in 1900. He served in West Africa in 1897 and 1898, specifically in the hinterland of Lagos and also in operations on the Niger, including the expedition to Bassema, when he was mentioned in dispatches (medal with two clasps). He served in Northern Nigeria in 1900, and was slightly wounded (again mentioned in dispatches, another clasp). He served in operations in Ashanti; joined the staff of the Deputy Assistant Adjutant General, and was two more times mentioned in dispatches (another medal). He was chief staff officer on the Gambia expedition in 1901 (more dispatches, yet another medal); served as staff officer in the West African Frontier Forces from October 1901; was attached to the colonial office in London in 1902 and 1903; served briefly as acting governor in 1904, before assuming the permanent post of colonial secretary later that year. In other words, as second highest ranking British official in the Gold Coast, Bryan had accumulated considerable experience of the Gold Coast that went far beyond that of the governor whom he served, J. Jamieson Thorburn, C.M.G., who began his career in Ceylon, and served in various capacities there (acting assistant postmaster-general, acting secretary of the irrigation control board, etc.) and in Southern Nigeria (senior provincial commissioner “in anticipation of proposed amalgamation of the administrations of Lagos and Southern Nigeria,” before finally assuming the government of the Gold Coast in 1910. Part V of The Colonial Office List is perhaps the most extraordinarily useful, because it
sets out “Colonial Regulations,” which governed every aspect of administration
in the field, including constitutions, councils and assemblies, guidelines for
governors and lieutenant-governors; appointments, salaries, discipline, leave
of absence; ceremonies, precedence, medals and decorations, salutes, flags (above),
uniforms, and so on; the correct mode and frequency of official correspondence
back and forth to the colonial office in Whitehall; and, finally, rules about
colonial finances, accounts, bookkeeping, audits, returns, supplies and stores.
The tone is starchy, but clear: “Presents from kings, chiefs, or other members
of the native population in or neighboring to the Colony, which cannot be
refused without giving offence, will be handed over to the Government.” Certainly.