In the light of
yesterday’s desperate calamity, a massacre of innocent schoolchildren that took
place in an elementary school not twenty-five miles from where I sit, one of the
great mysteries of life in America is thrown into stark relief.
According to the second amendment (1791) of the United States Constitution, “A
well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the
right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Many people,
including a number who sit for life on the United States Supreme Court,
genuinely believe that this is a guarantee of the right of private
individuals to buy, own, and use guns, including weapons designed by those sociopaths at Saab, Glock and all the rest to kill as many people as quickly as possible. It is as if that part about the “well regulated
militia” were wholly irrelevant, and not the principal reason why such a right
was considered necessary in the first place. Hardly anybody who is not an arms or drug dealer and lives in
civilized countries outside the Unites States believes that an individual’s right to own a
gun should be upheld without careful regulation, scrutiny, and tight control. Many
Americans, however, persist in regarding such regulations as a dangerous infringement of
personal liberty. Government of the people, by the people, for the
people has been a cherished ideological foundation of the Republic since the beginning. Yet obviously this coexists with a profound degree of mistrust of all
elected federal, state, and local authorities who make and uphold laws on that very
basis. It is a matter of head-scratching mystification that the United
States of America could be willing, even determined, to pay so great a human price to maintain
what seems such a quaint historical relic as the second amendment, and one so willfully misinterpreted. To say that we now have a well regulated militia in the form of any number of local police departments that are visibly armed to the teeth is a woeful understatement. Leaving aside any other objection, had they known how much more damage an armed man can do today than he ever could in
the last decade of the eighteenth century, is it conceivable that the founding
fathers would have bequeathed such a curse to their posterity? And what is even more
perplexing when you talk to otherwise intelligent, rational persons, around
the water-cooler, at the dinner table, or in the public bar, is how hostile
many ordinary, decent Americans can be to the idea that fully paid-up, card-carrying psychopaths ought to be
prevented as a matter of urgent priority from laying their hands on a brace of
automatic weapons—even while they regularly do, and kill randomly and in
such shocking storms of wanton, senseless violence. Hand-wringing editorials such as yesterday morning’s in the New York Times ought to make a difference, but they only seem to reinforce the sense of a nation hopelessly polarized between common sense and the fortress mentality of the dangerously gun-obsessed. This great country is, at times, exceedingly difficult to understand.
In April of 1996 thirty-five people were killed by a lone gunman at Port Arthur in Tasmania. The Australian Government responded to the grief and outrage expressed by its people by an immediate ban on guns in Australia. This was a bipartisan decision that has helped save many many lives. One of the reasons for the ban was the perception that Australian society is actually too fragile and vulnerable to be able to sustain such outrages. They have a traumatic longterm effect throughout the immediate community. Americans know what this means, but have to live with a 'fundamentalist' attitude to their Constitution. When I say that I don't mean Christian fundamentalist, but fundamentalist in the sense of the words possessing a literal truth that defies context and commonsense. Fundamentalist too in that the words serve one particular agenda, which happens not to be in the interests of the common good.
ReplyDeleteParalyzed and polarized. A terrifying combination.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it used to be a great country.....not so much any more I'm ashamed to say.
You are the only commentary I've read on this latest horror to correctly quote and explain the words of the second ammendment.
The consequences of no longer teaching the Constitution and civics in public schools in America.